ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


The Anglo-Saxons were a group of people who lived in England a long, long time ago, before most people who are alive today were born. They were called "Anglo-Saxons" because they came from two different parts of Europe: the Angles, who came from what is now Denmark and Germany, and the Saxons, who came from what is now Germany.

When the Anglo-Saxons first came to England, there were already other people living there, but over time they became the dominant group. They had their own language, which we now call Old English, and their own laws and customs.

The Anglo-Saxons were skilled warriors and farmers, and they built many impressive structures, such as castles and churches. They also created beautiful works of art, such as jewelry, pottery, and illuminated manuscripts.

One famous Anglo-Saxon king was King Alfred the Great. He was a great leader who fought against invading Vikings and helped to unite England. Another famous Anglo-Saxon was the poet Beowulf, who wrote an epic poem about a hero who fought monsters.

Over time, the Anglo-Saxons became more and more influenced by Christianity. Many of their old pagan beliefs and traditions were replaced by Christian values and practices.

Today, the Anglo-Saxons are remembered for their contributions to English language, literature, and culture. We still use many words that come from Old English, and we can learn a lot about their way of life by studying the artifacts and writings they left behind.