ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Brand development

Okay kiddo, so you know how you have your own name that makes you special and different from other kids? Well, companies and businesses also have names, and that's called a brand.

Brand development means creating and shaping that brand name and what it stands for. It's like making a character in a story – you give them a name, a personality, and things they like or don't like.

When companies develop their brand, they want to create a certain feeling or message that makes people remember them. They want you to think, "Oh, I know that company! They make really cool toys!" or "Every time I see that logo, I know I'm going to get good pizza."

To develop their brand, companies have to think about what they want to be known for, what makes them special, and what kind of people they want to attract. They might create a logo, design a website, write a slogan, and even make videos or commercials to show off their brand.

So just like how you have your own personality and things that make you unique, companies have their own brand that they want people to recognize and like. And that's brand development – making that brand name and message something memorable and special.