ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Feedback loop

Okay kiddo, have you ever played with a yo-yo before? Remember how you throw the yo-yo down and then it comes back up to your hand? That's kind of like a feedback loop.

A feedback loop is when something happens, and then the consequences of what happened, loop back around and affect the original thing again. It's like a circle that keeps going around and around.

For example, let's say you're learning to ride a bike. You ride your bike and then you fall off. That's the first part of the feedback loop. But then, the consequences of falling off (like getting a scrape or feeling scared) make you change what you're doing. You might decide to ride slower or hold onto the handlebars tighter. This change then affects the original thing, which is riding the bike. So you try again, and maybe you don't fall off this time because of the changes you made.

So the feedback loop is the process of taking what happened before, making a change based on the consequences, and then trying again. It keeps looping back around like the yo-yo going up and down. Pretty cool, huh?