ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Irish stew

Irish stew is a yummy dish that comes from Ireland. It's made with meat (usually lamb or beef), potatoes, carrots, and onions. It's really easy to make because you just put everything in a pot and let it cook slowly over a long time.

It's like making yummy soup with meat and vegetables that have been cooked together for a long time. When the stew is ready, it will be really soft and tender, and the flavors will be all mixed together.

Irish stew is a popular meal in Ireland, especially during cold weather. People have been making it for a long time, and it's a great way to use up leftover ingredients. Some people might add other delicious things like herbs, spices, and even beer to make the stew taste even better.

So, if you want to try Irish stew, just chop up some meat, potatoes, carrots, and onions and put them in a pot with some water. Cook it on low heat for a few hours, and you'll have a warm and hearty meal that will make you feel happy and full!