ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Migration period

So, imagine you are playing with your toys in your room but one day your parents tell you that you need to move to a new house in a different city. This is what happens during a migration period!

Long, long ago, people used to live in different places, but sometimes they needed to move to a new place for different reasons. During the Migration Period, which happened between the 4th and 7th centuries AD, many groups of people moved from one place to another in Europe.

They did this because they needed more land to farm or because they were running away from invaders, fighting in wars or looking for better opportunities somewhere else. Some of these people moved with their families, animals, and belongings to live in new areas.

The Migration Period was a time of great movement and change, just like when you move to a new house with your family. People faced challenges and had to adapt to new environments, just like adapting to a new school or new friends.

Some groups, like the Huns and the Visigoths, moved from the east to the west while others, like the Saxons and the Franks, moved from the north to the south. These movements created a mix of cultures, languages, and traditions in Europe that we can still see today.

In the end, the Migration Period was a time of great movement and change in Europe, just like when you move to a new house with your family, and it helped shape the history of the continent!