Have you heard about sport sanctions, little one? They are like punishments given to sport teams or countries if they do something bad like cheating. It's like when you do something bad and your mom or dad takes away your favorite toy.
So, when a sport team or country does something wrong, like using drugs to enhance their performance, they may be given a sanction. Sanction means something like a punishment. It can be a penalty, suspension or even a ban from playing in future competitions.
For example, if a player uses drugs to improve their speed, they can be suspended from playing for some time or even banned from playing in the future. If a whole team is found to be cheating, they may be penalized, meaning that they will lose points or their winnings may be taken away.
Sanctions can be pretty serious and can affect the reputation and future of the team or country. It's always better to play fair and square rather than being punished for doing something wrong.